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Regina Herod

The Fall

Closing Reception: Wed. Jan. 29, 6-7:30 pm

Regina Herod

PROXY Gallery is pleased to present the solo exhibition "The Fall" by artist Regina Herod. While the artist has always structured her work around the age-old questions of form and content or the personal and the political, The Fall represents something of a turning point: rather than attempting to give form to a geopolitical narrative, the sculpture is allowed to become a subjective interpretation of material properties and their physical manifestations.

The logic of control and the logic of surrender are both evident. Here “Fall” and “surrender” should not be read as capitulations, but as deliberate articulations of sculptural thought. The cut, welded, twisted and folded steel and copper, the enclosed organic pods, speak both of fragmenting and reparative functions embedded in the very process of making.

The sculpture encompasses its own base or pedestal suggesting a trophy, a tree trunk or the plinth of a monument, ready to receive an engraved name or date. The linguistic/numerical sign that usually locates a public work in geopolitics is absent, thus allowing the sculpture more expressive mobility.

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