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Annetta Kapon and Katie Thoma

Bread & Patios

JANUARY 26 - FEBRUARY 28, 2013
Opening Reception: Wed. Jan. 30, 12:30 - 1:00 pm.
Guest Curator: Kate Thoma

Annetta Kapon and Katie Thoma
Annetta Kapon and Katie Thoma
Annetta Kapon and Katie Thoma

PROXY GALLERY is pleased to announce Bread and Patios, sculptural work by artists Annetta Kapon and Katie Thoma.

Kapon’s Cornucopia (Horn of Plenty in Latin) makes an oblique reference via materials and language to laundry and fashion, bread and spectacle, labor and esthetics, the high and the low. The ancient Romans used the expression “give them bread and circuses” (or spectacles) to signify a way to keep a people subjugated and uncritical, but satisfied. Deprivation masquerades as abundancemor privilege. However, the knots in the clothes and the linearly connected French baguettes perhaps suggest an escape from these dichotomies.

Thoma’s Patio is constructed using concrete blocks and a white bucket from Home Depot. The bucket is used to make a beach umbrella stand which sits on a stack of the blocks. The materials make reference to small-scale construction, banality in the everyday, unadorned functionality and non-functionality. Leisure on a budget.

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